How does a person walk in his sleep, does the brain work during this time?

How does a person walk in his sleep, does the brain work during this time?

There are many people in the world who suffer from sleepwalking disease. For many people, this problem is so big that they don’t even realize that they travel very far while walking in their sleep. In such a situation the question arises that why do people walk while sleepingHow does one reach those places while walking? Whenever we step out of the house, we always have in mind the place where we want to reach? So does our brain work even when we sleep? ? Let’s find out.

The human brain works even during sleep?

In 2014 Cambridge scientists did a research on whether a person’s brain is working even during sleep ? Science MagazineCurrent BiologyAccording to this research published in, The answer is yes. Even when a person falls asleep, his brain keeps working. In this research, scientists told the participants a word at the time, When he was awake. But they still responded correctly to the word while asleep.

It is said that while sleeping Our brain Can do even difficult tasks, Especially when the work is to be done by yourself.

How did you do the research?

In this research The scientists took an electroencephalogram to study the behavior of the participants’ brains (EEG) was used. Participants were asked to guess the word being spoken. , he is someone Animal is related to or related to something. They had to press a button to respond. Sid Koider, a Paris-based scientist involved in the study, told the BBC: “We have shown that the brain of a sleeping person is more active than one might think.”"s1">. In such a situation, the brain of the sleeping person is working. Now scientists have started researching whether it is possible to make the brain of a sleeping person work?                                                                  

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